Articles & News
The Future of Restrictive Covenants: Emerging Trends and Developments
For many years, restrictive covenants have served as a valuable tool within legal agreements, aiming to protect the interests of the parties involved. These provisions, often referred to as non-compete clauses or non-disclosure agreements, impose restrictions on individuals or companies, prohibiting them from engaging in specific activities or disclosing certain
The Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Filing a Mechanics Lien
Mechanics liens are a powerful tool for contractors and suppliers to get paid for their work. But they are also complex legal instruments that require careful attention to detail. In this article, we’ll cover the top 5 things you need to know about filing a mechanics lien. From what a
How to Draft a Clear and Enforceable Construction Contract
The construction industry is hard and dangerous to work in. When there are many people working on a project, it is important to have a clear and enforceable construction contract in place to avoid disagreements and make sure the project goes well. In this blog post, we’ll talk about how
5 Most Common Construction Law Issues
Construction law is a complicated area of law that is always changing. It deals with the legal rights and responsibilities of people who work in the construction industry, such as contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, and developers. Given how big and complicated construction projects are, it’s not surprising that disagreements and
How To Protect Your Business Secrets
At some point, almost every business faces the problem of an employee leaving to start a competing business. But before the worker leaves, he or she takes some things that will be very valuable in the new business — the former employer’s customer lists, marketing plans or other confidential information.
Spend Some Time On Your Minutes
Shareholders of closely held corporations often view corporate minutes as a needless formality. But for legal, historical, and tax reasons, keeping good corporate minutes is important and worthwhile. By law, corporations must keep minutes of meetings of shareholders and directors. Failure to do so may be damaging. For example, if
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